Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Married Semester

So, in the nearly three months that we've been married, Ryan and I have encountered a lot of married firsts. First trip alone together (our Honeymoon), first Fourth of July party married, and first birthday (mine) as a married couple. Of course there will be many more married firsts, but a major one is our first semester of college being married and living together. We're both really enjoying our classes. I finally got into History of Nazi Germany with my favorite professor, Dr. Krammer and Ryan seems to be loving his fencing class. He did say, however, that he would like more time to actually fence, so we'll have to find some way for him to practice outside of class. Apparently 50 minutes twice a week isn't enough. I am also looking for a way for me to keep my energy up. I am usually ok until I get through with classes for the day and make it home, and then it seems like all of my energy has been sapped until later at night, which makes it hard to get things done. Hopefully I will find some way to fix that. We love our apartment! It's not huge, but it's enough for the two of us. It was my apartment before we got married, and sometimes we forget that it's ours now. Ryan occasionally slips and says "your bedroom" or "your couch", but for the most part, we are doing good on sharing things and household responsibilities. I will say one thing, though...sometimes it's hard to remember who is supposed to do what. It is very nice to have a partner in life and for the household things. It's so much better than even the best roommate!

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